The European Neighbourhood Policy
and Daniel 9:27

A Progressive Seven-Year Accord Involving Israel
Finalized: October 2006 | In Effect: 1 January 2007

Part 1 Part 2

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Dates of Interest

Passover Week 2010

Although the seven-year European Neighbourhood Policy officially was launched January 1, 2007, technically it commenced during the week of October 17-24, 2006.  This is because, as noted in Part 1, two fundamental regulations for the ENP were dated 17 October 2006 and 24 October 2006.

Now, considering a Hebrew month to be 30 days in length, then 42 months (3½ years) would consist of:

42 months × 30 days/month = 1,260 days.

We know that the second half of the 70th Week will last for 42 months, or 1,260 days (Revelation 11:2b,3, 12:6, 13:5).  (See Are the 1,260 days mentioned in Revelation a reference to the first half or to the second half of the 70th Week?)  As such, it is plausible to surmise that the first half of the 70th Week also will be 42 months, or 1,260 days, in length.

Adding 1,260 days to October 17, 2006, takes us to March 30, 2010, which is Passover of that year (see Calendar of Hebrew Holy Days 2006–2014).  Thus, if  the 70th Week began during the week of October 17-24, 2006, then that 3½-year interval would conclude during Passover week (the Feast of Unleavened Bread): March 30 through April 6 of 2010.

Traditionally, during the week of Passover, various offerings were made in the first and second Jewish temples in Jerusalem, as ordained by God to Moses (Leviticus 23:8a,12,13; Deuteronomy 16:5,6).  A major part of the process included sacrificing animals.  Thus, Passover week would seem to be an optimal  time for there to be a forced termination of sacrifices and offerings in Jerusalem.

Yom Kippur 2013

Arguably, Jesus will return to earth upon the blowing of the Seventh Trumpet of Revelation 11:15,17, the Great Trumpet of Yom Kippur (Leviticus 25:9; Isaiah 18:3, 27:13; Zechariah 9:14), at the end of the seventh year of the 70th Week.  Yom Kippur is the most solemn Hebrew holy day.  (See How is it that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Hebrew Spring and Fall feasts and holy days?)

Now, on a Hebrew calendar, the first of each new month (also known as Rosh Chodesh), as well as of each new year (Rosh haShanah or Yom Teruah), commences with a new moon.  One reason the moon was created was to “mark off the seasons” (Genesis 1:14; Psalm 104:19).  New moons and full moons have been very significant on God’s calendar of appointed activities (1 Chronicles 23:31; 2 Chronicles 8:13, 31:3; Ezra 3:5; Psalm 81:3; Isaiah 66:23).

Interestingly, there was a new moon between the dates of two fundamental regulations relating to the European Neighbourhood Policy: 17 October 2006 and 24 October 2006.  These are the dates on which both the funding and establishing of the ENP took place, and a new moon occurred on October 22, 2006.  The 70th Week, beginning with a new moon, may be the most critical “season” on Israel’s prophetic timetable.

If a Hebrew month is considered to be 30 days in length, then 84 months (7 years) would consist of:

84 months × 30 days/month = 2,520 days.
So if October 22, 2006, is considered to be day #1 of the proposed 70th Week, then we should expect for day #2,520 to be a Yom Kippur.  Indeed, it is.  With October 22, 2006, being day #1, then day #2,520 is September 14, 2013, which happens to be Yom Kippur of that year (see Calendar of Hebrew Holy Days 2006–2014).

Feast of Firstfruits 2010

From information in the Passover Week 2010 and Yom Kippur 2013 sections, let us consider the date October 22, 2006 (a new moon) to be day #1.  If we count forward from this date, then day #1,260 day is April 3, 2010; and day #1 of the next 1,260-day period is April 4, 2010.  The midpoint of my proposed 70th Week period will be midnight, between these two dates (which actually will be on April 4, since a Hebrew day begins at sunset).  Interestingly, Jesus indicated that the Bridegroom—Jesus Himself—will come at “midnight” (Matthew 25:6).

Now, April 4, 2010, has significance on both the Hebrew and Christian calendars.  Not only is this date the Feast of Firstfruits and the day after the weekly Jewish Sabbath (see Leviticus 23:11b), it also is Resurrection Day (Easter Sunday)—celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death.  That particular weekend very well may be a critical—even perilous—turning point for most Israelites and Christians, not only in Israel but worldwide.

Referring directly to the abomination that causes desolation of Daniel 9:27, Jesus exhorted those in Judea, in the distant future (relative to His time), to flee when they saw it (Matthew 24:15,16).  We know that this will be in the middle of the 70th Week, since John also referred to this fleeing Jewish/Israeli remnant, noting that they would be cared for by God for 1,260 days (Revelation 12:6)—the final half of the 70th Week.

Jesus also said this:

Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath (Matthew 24:20).
Not infrequently, winter weather begins in the late Fall and extends into the early Spring.  Indeed, Passover Week 2010, occurring earlier than it typically does (see Calendar of Hebrew Holy Days 2006–2014), will take place in the early Spring.  Furthermore, it could be that the setting up of the abomination that causes desolation will be planned for the Jewish Sabbath—Saturday, April 3, 2010; but, somehow, it will be delayed until the next day—Sunday, April 4, 2010.  This is mere conjecture, but it may be plausible.

If so, the flight of those escaping Jerusalem would not be on the last day of the week, Saturday the Sabbath (according to Jesus’ wise counsel in Matthew 24:20), enabling them to obey Leviticus 23:3.  Instead, their flight would be the next day, the first day of the week.  Hopefully, the weather will not be inclement on that Sunday, the first day of the week.

Feasibly, then (understanding, of course, the speculative nature of this calculation), 4 April 2010—the Hebrew Feast of Firstfruits, as well as the Christian celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection—might be a prophetically significant date for Jews and Christians, and indeed for the entire world.  Although the weather might be favorable, it also could be a day of terror, especially if the Antichrist does the following (although some of the events may occur an indeterminate amount of time later):

Furthermore, it is possible that on or around April 4, 2010—the Feast of Firstfruits—a partial Mid-tribulation Rapture of “firstfruits” believers could take place (see also Is it possible that Jesus' parable about the ten virgins could indicate that there will be a Mid-tribulation Rapture?).  Then the Great Tribulation will begin.

Return of Jesus Christ

Many believe it is plausible and reasonable to suppose that, with the activation of the ENP, the 70th Week has begun.  If so, we now are in the final seven-year period of this age, prior to the return of Jesus the Messiah (Christ) back to earth, as the Rider on a white horse.

If true, the world is in store for the greatest social upheavals and natural catastrophes, followed by the most intense supernatural disasters, ever to occur in the history of mankind.  At the end of the seven-year period, Jesus will return to rule and reign for a period of 1,000 years: the Millennium.

My Opinions

Are we there?

My opinions about the ENP, and about whether or not we presently could be in the 70th Week, can be found in some of my email responses.  Two of them are here:

Those interested in other end-time-related information also might wish to read my Endtimes commentary.

I think that many who put credence in the 70th Week prophecy of Daniel 9:27 share a common supposition that “really bad things” will happen right from the onset of the 70th Week.  They—especially those who embrace the “Pre-tribulation” view of the Rapture—are extremely reluctant to accept that the 70th Week already could have begun, via the European Neighbourhood Policy.

Unlike many (or maybe most) Christians, though, I feel it is quite reasonable and plausible to consider that the 70th Week has begun.  The stipulations and timing of the seven-year European Neighbourhood Policy, concerning the prophecy in Daniel 9:27 and in conjunction with Israel’s involvement, seem to be extremely compelling.

For some time, I have felt that the “Intensity of Troubles” (designated by the vertical axis in my “Graph of the 70th Week”) would increase only gradually, immediately after the onset of the 70th Week, with the curve being more horizontal than vertical for the first 3½ years.  However, after the midpoint (at which time I believe the Great Tribulation will begin), I have felt, and continue to feel, that the “Intensity of Troubles” will soar calamitously and cataclysmically, with the curve climbing faster vertically than horizontally.  (The reader can click on the blue hyperlinks in the graph to obtain other information about those topics.)

The 70th Week

First Half of the 70th Week Second Half of the 70th Week
(1,260 Days = 42 Months = 3½ Years)
Beginning of Birth Pains
Great Tribulation Rapture   |  D.O.V.
Matthew 24:4-8
Matthew 24:9-11,15-28; Revelation 6:7-11  Matt. 24:29-31;
 Rev. 6:12-17
Isa. 34:8,
61:2, 63:4
Revelation 6:1-6 Revelation 6:7–10:7

The “beginning of birth pains” will consist of the appearance of false messiahs, famines, plagues, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts, fires, great storms, inflation, and socioeconomic decline.

Revelation 11:1-19 (Review of the Second Half)
Revelation 12:6–14:20 (Another Review of the Second Half)
70th Week

(Dan. 9:27;
Isa. 28:18)
      Fourth/Fifth Seals;
      Abomination That
      Causes Desolation

       (Dan. 9:27;
      Matt. 24:15)
   Sixth Seal;
   (Matt. 24:29;
   Rev. 6:12-17)
Return of Jesus
at 7th Trumpet  
(Zech. 14:3,4;  
Rev. 11:15-17

the Rapture event

For those anticipating a “Pre-tribulation” Rapture, to take place prior to the final seven years, regrettably they have embraced an erroneous belief.  Unfortunately, this has led multitudes of well-meaning believers into a false and misguided sense of safety and security5.

The main Rapture event will take place well into the 70th Week, not prior to its beginning.  Those adhering the “Pre-tribulation” view of the Rapture may have an interest in reading my lengthy commentary on The Rapture, as well as the following responses to inquiries posed to me in emails, about the Rapture and other 70th Week events:

watching, preparing, expecting

In case the 70th Week period has begun (see the covenant and the Antichrist), I feel it is imperative for Christians and Jews not to be looking for the “imminent return” of the Messiah, in the clouds, to take them away (other than, perhaps, at a Mid-tribulation Rapture).  Rather, they need to be doing these things:

Print Adversity Supplies: Basic Check List (also in DOC and PDF format), and check off items as you purchase them.  It might be prudent to print copies of that list for other relatives and friends, suggesting that they gather their own supplies.  Othewise, they may come ask you to share your provisions when the times of scarcity come.  It also might be a good idea to search on the web for “Y2K supplies” to find lists of items which were recommended for purchase prior to the year 2000; many of those lists still are accessible on the web.

Disasters and calamities, both natural and social, probably will not happen everywhere at once.  Most likely, they will start earlier in some areas than in others.  But it always is better to organize one’s preparedness sooner rather than later, especially before hyperinflation takes hold.

A Worse Time, a Better Time

Most people of the world always are hoping for a better day, a time when peace will reign throughout the earth, forevermore.  Eventually, this time is coming.

Before that can happen, however, a time of great tribulation, distress, sorrow, and suffering first must come to pass on the earth.  Jesus described this terrible time as follows:

For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again (Matthew 24:21).
Untold billions will die.  But those who survive can have the assurance that God, through the Power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, will be with them through the most difficult of times (see repentance, endurance, and overcoming), if they put their faith in Him: the One true God.

Even if a believer is killed, he/she can have the guarantee of eternal salvation, having placed his/her faith and trust in Jesus Christ.  He is the Son of God, Who died for the sins of the world and was raised from death, on our behalf.

Praise be to the Lord Jesus for His infinite grace and mercy, as well as for the better world that He will provide when He comes!  He is “Faithful and True” (Revelation 19:11a); His name is the “Word of God” (19:13b).  And He has exclaimed,

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world. (John 16:33).

Part 1

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