Email #1

Hi Ted,
      I have a question about eyes that go completely black, no white at all.  My husband and I go to a Baptist Church.  Our church is having a Revival next week as we all feel the time is very short, just days, weeks, possibly only months away.  My husband and I were invited to a get-together at a neighbor's house down the street.  She is dying of cancer and they both drink quite heavily and tell a lot of off color jokes.  But since she is dying, and I want to witness to as many people as I can before it's too late, we went and I brought a flyer for our Revival and invited them to come.  She was real interested and while she was reading the flyer, he was glaring at me in a weird way and his eyes went completely black, pupil, iris and white, all turned black.  The WHOLE eye black!  (His eyes are normally green.)
      Something in my spirit told me not to let the evil in, don't let it get to me, just keep acting like nothing strange is happening.  So I did.  He glared at me with black eyes for at least 5 minutes and I kept acting like nothing was wrong.  Then when he couldn't get my goat, he turned his back on me and couldn't look at me the rest of the time we were there.  He kept his back to me from then on.  But after I got home, and I kept thinking about those spooky black eyes, I couldn't get it out of my head that I had just been confronted by a demon.  And it shook me up after I got home.  My question is this, was this a demon or can someone get so angry that their eyes completely go black, white part and all?

My Response #1

In a message dated 4/20/2010 6:44:38 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, *****@*****.*** writes:

<< My question is this, was this a demon or can someone get so angry that their eyes completely go black, white part and all? >>

Mary, I never have seen eyes going completely black--including the sclera (white part)--other than in horror movies, although some people have told me that they have seen this.  Two colleagues (eye doctors) read your email and said they never had seen it either.

One said that there are "black goth scleral lenses" that weird kids order to put into their eyes, and it makes the entire eye look black, such as in the following two pics:

However, from what you described, that guy was sitting there looking normal until you gave his wife that brochure.  Then, while he was sitting there glaring at you, his eyes turned black.  It's not like he went into another room, put on scleral lenses, and then returned.  I am assuming that is how it was, anyway.

When I read all of that, my first impression was that the husband is possessed by a demon, and the demon's anger caused his host's eyes to turn black like that.  My friend thought so, too, although we don't believe that can happen physiologically, so it must be supernaturally.

Then I read it to someone else, and she agreed.  She added that it seems like the demon wants to keep the woman (wife) in bondage, and you were there trying to present to her a way that she could get out of it, which enraged him.

Another possibility is that God has given you one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  If you take that link and scroll down a bit, you will see that item #9 if "distinguishing among spirits."  Perhaps, if you have that, you might be able to see the eyes of certain demonically possessed or controlled people becoming black but other people around you would not.

I think you did the right thing by remaining calm (although I bet a lot of people wouldn't be able to do that) and not reacting to his black eyes and his glare.  Maybe he sensed the Holy Spirit in you and had to turn away and not look at you anymore.  That is my guess.

I hope that the woman with cancer will attend your church's revival.  I think she needs to be delivered from both the cancer and the demon posing as her husband, although it may take more than a church revival to do that.


Email #2

      Yes, that's the way it happened, he was sitting there with green eyes, and the minute I gave her the revival flyer, his eyes went black, just like the pictures you sent me, then after 5 minutes they went green again, all sitting there the whole time, he never got up.  Plus, he is in his 60's and not prone to do things like kids would do to prank someone.  I was told in my spirit to hold strong and not let it get to me, not to let it win, so with the help of the Holy Spirit I did just that.  But after I got home, I was shaking like a leaf.  The absolute dread I felt was horrible.  If all hell ever is is that feeling of dread, it would be horrible enough.  If hell is even worse than that dread, God save them all.................
      I had never heard of or experienced anything like that before, didn't even know such a thing existed, so after it happened to me, I looked up black eyed people on the internet and there are hundreds of stories like mine out there.  Thank you for getting back to me on this.  I've been needing confirmation from the Lord and others about what happened to me that day.

My Response #2

In a message dated 4/21/2010 11:39:24 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, *****@*****.*** writes:

<< I was told in my spirit to hold strong and not let it get to me, not to let it win, so with the help of the Holy Spirit I did just that. >>

I suspect that the Lord allowed this to happen to you so that you would tell other believers about it, although some will not accept your account as true.  But in the dark times that we are about to enter, they need to be aware of the various faces and aspects of satanic/demonic evil.

Not only should they be on the alert that things like that are going to escalate, they also need to be prepared to deal with them fearlessly and boldly, empowered by the Power of the Holy Spirit.  Too many believers think that they are prepared for the terrors of the great tribulation to come, but they are not.  Just like the majority of non-Christians, I'm afraid that most Christians are in the dangerous "normalcy bias" boat.


Email #3

      I forgot to tell you that when the man's eyes went black, we were sitting at a picnic table on a bright sunny day, we were in the sun.  Please pray protection over my husband and myself for living so close to this evil.

My Response #3

In a message dated 4/21/2010 12:02:36 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, *****@*****.*** writes:

<< Please pray protection over my husband and myself for living so close to this evil. >>

I will do that.


Email #4

     I totally agree [with Response #2].  I have been anxiously awaiting for Jesus return since I was saved in 1969 at 11 years old.  But in the fall of 2008, I stepped out on my front porch and I could feel "something in the air." It felt like a seal had been open.  I could feel that we are beyond anxiously waiting, to WE ARE THERE!  I started doing serious daily searching on end times, that's how I found your web site.  I really believe it will be this year.  I have never had a year "given" to me before.
     I am amazed at the Christians who say they don't want Jesus to come yet, either because the think they have a lot of living left to do or they are worried about their loved ones.  I am worried about my loved ones too, but it's getting to the point where I have been warning them for the last 41 years, they have had more than enough time.  I am putting Jesus first!  I WANT TO BE WITH HIM!  I want my new body!  Where I won't have sin anymore!  I don't ever want to sin again!
     Some Christians actually accuse me of being suicidal when I talk like that, how I can't wait for Jesus to come back.  I'm not at all.  I am a very happy person.  I don't understand how people can claim to be Christian and not want to be with the Lord.  I'm sick of sin.  God is sick of sin.  It's about to be over, THANK GOD!  I haven't told very many people about my black eye man experience because I'm afraid they will just think I'm nuts.  I'm letting God lead me about who to tell.  People better just get ready, that's all I can say.

My Response #4

In a message dated 4/21/2010 5:36:15 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, *****@*****.*** writes:

<< I could feel that we are beyond anxiously waiting, to WE ARE THERE! >>

Although it is possible that we are "there," I've been wrong about too many things in the past to be absolutely convinced about anything anymore.  I am sure, though, that God is in control and that end-time events will take place on His schedule.  I do find myself wishing that He would hurry up, though.

I think that the people who aren't ready for Jesus to come yet still have needs and desires for this world, on whatever level and for whatever reason(s).  Personally, I do not understand that mindset.  I am a very happy person too, but I cannot think of one thing, person, or circumstance here that I am not willing to leave behind in the next moment to be with the Lord.

I am sick and tired of living in a body of sin and continuing to have the choice to keep sinning.  I want to give that free choice back to Him, essentially replacing my defective will with His perfect Will, and I want to want to serve Him, steadfastly and unwaveringly, for all eternity.  More than anything, I long for those things.


Email #5

      Just one more comment on the black eyes.  The pictures you sent me of black contacts were shiny and you could tell they were fake.  The black eyes I saw were dull black like charcoal, lifeless, dead, void and pure hate.  After seeing the real thing, and seeing the contacts, now I would be able to tell the difference.
      Second, when Christians who say they have given their hearts to Jesus also say they don't want Jesus to come back just yet because they have a lot of living left to do, will Jesus grant their wish and leave them behind to go through the tribulation?  If that's the case, Jesus would have every right to say to them in their darkest hour, "How's that 'living left to do' working for you now?" Is that maybe what He was talking about with the parable of the 10 virgins?  Personally I believe my REAL living isn't going to start until I'm with the Lord in Heaven permanently.

My Response #5

In a message dated 4/22/2010 5:22:55 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, *****@*****.*** writes:

<< when Christians who say they have given their hearts to Jesus also say they don't want Jesus to come back just yet because they have a lot of living left to do, will Jesus grant their wish and leave them behind to go through the tribulation? >>

I do not know, since it is not up to me to decide that.  But I do think it is possible.  Of course, since I do not believe in a "pre-tribulation" rapture event, I do believe that Christians always have been destined to go through at least half, and probably most, of the 70th Week.

<< Is that maybe what He was talking about with the parable of the 10 virgins? >>

I feel there is a good chance that Matthew 25:1-13 is referring to a partial Mid-tribulation Rapture of "wise virgins."  If so, the "foolish virgins" will be left behind to go through the Great Tribulation and will be caught up later at the Pre-wrath Rapture.  I have written an email response about it here:
