About Dr. Ted Montgomery

Dr. Ted MontgomeryI obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics in 1975, when I was 20.  This included a Combined Sciences minor in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

From 1975 to 1979, I attended the Southern California College of Optometry (SCCO) in Fullerton, CA.  While there, I obtained an additional Bachelor of Science degree, in Visual Science, in 1977.  In 1979, I received a Doctor of Optometry degree and diploma.

In optometry school, I used math in Geometric Optics and Ophthalmic Optics classes.  Optics fascinated me, and I tutored freshmen students in that subject my last three years in school.

I was offered a job as an Optics instructor at another optometry school after graduation.  However, I declined because I wanted to remain in Southern CA.

In 1986, I attended further schooling at Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) in Philadelphia, PA.  There, I obtained a license to prescribe medications, which gained me the additional title of Optometric Physician.

I practiced eye care, from 1979 to 1991, at FHP in Orange County, CA.  In early 1991, I retired to pursue other interests.  This included a careful and thorough study of the Bible, which I have read from cover to cover over twenty-five times.

I created the Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology of the Human Eye section of my website in 1998.  From time to time, I make additions to it.  This is only one section at my website, where everything is free and no donations are requested.

If you read anything at my site, keep in mind that I feel its creation was motivated by my great God and Master, Adonai.  I simply wanted to be a submissive and compliant tool that He could use to accomplish this.  All glory and honor goes to Him.  If you have the interest and time, you can view My Beliefs and Faith.

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