Measurements & Conversions

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Note: A Redefinition of SI base units was done by the General
Conference on Weights and Measures
on November 16, 2018.
This page does not incorporate those changes.

* indicates exact conversion

To Convert From:Multiply By:
acres to square miles0.0015625*
acres to square yards4840.0*
acres to square feet43560.0*
acres to square inches6272640.0*
acres to square kilometers0.0040469
acres to square meters4046.8564224
acres to square centimeters40468564.224
acres to square millimeters4046856422.4
acres to hectares0.4046856

To Convert From:Multiply By:
atmospheres to bars1.01325*
atmospheres to inches of mercury29.921256
atmospheres to inches of water406.80172
atmospheres to kilograms per square centimeter1.0332275
atmospheres to kilopascals101.325*
atmospheres to millibars1013.25*
atmospheres to pounds per square inch14.695949

To Convert From:Multiply By:
barrels, non-oil liquid, to cubic feet4.2109376
barrels, non-oil liquid, to cubic meters0.1192405
barrels, non-oil liquid, to gallons31.5*
barrels, non-oil liquid, to liters119.24047
barrels, oil, to cubic feet5.6145833
barrels, oil, to cubic meters0.1589873
barrels, oil, to gallons42.0*
barrels, oil, to liters158.98729

To Convert From:Multiply By:
bars to atmospheres0.9869233
bars to inches of mercury29.529983
bars to inches of water401.48716
bars to kilograms per square centimeter1.0197168
bars to kilopascals100.0*
bars to millibars1000.0*
bars to pounds per square foot2088.5434
bars to pounds per square inch14.503774

To Convert From:Multiply By:
BTUs to calories251.99576
BTUs to horsepower-hours0.000393
BTUs to joules1055.0559
BTUs to kilogram-meters107.58576
BTUs to kilowatt-hours0.0002931
BTUs to kilojoules1.0550559
BTUs to pounds-feet778.16927
BTUs to watt-hours0.2930711
BTUs per gallon to megajoules per cubic meter0.279
BTUs per gallon to megajoules per liter0.000279
BTUs per minute to horsepower0.0235809
BTUs per minute to kilowatts0.0175843
BTUs per pound to joules per kilogram2326.0*
BTUs per pound to kilojoules per kilogram2.326*
BTUs per pound to magajoules per kilogram0.002326*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
calories to BTUs0.0039683
calories to joules4.1868*
calories to kilogram-meters0.4269348
calories to pounds-feet3.0880252
calories to watt-hours0.001163

To Convert From:Multiply By:
centiliters to deciliters0.1*
centiliters to liters0.01*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
centimeters to inches0.3937008
centimeters to hands0.0984252
centimeters to feet0.0328084
centimeters to meters0.01*
centimeters to microns10000.0*
centimeters to millimeters10.0*
centimeters to mils393.7007874
centimeters to yards0.0109361
centimeters per second to feet per second0.0328084
centimeters per second to kilometers per hour0.036*
centimeters per second to miles per hour0.0223694
centimeters per second per second to feet per second per second0.0438084
centimeters per second per second to g0.001097
centimeters per second per second to meters per second per second0.01*

Circles (= Circumferences)
To Convert From:Multiply By:
circles to circumferences1.0*

Circumferences (= Circles)
To Convert From:Multiply By:
circumferences to circles1.0*
circumferences to degrees360.0*
circumferences to grades400.0*
circumferences to minutes21600.0*
circumferences to quadrants4.0*
circumferences to radians6.2831853
circumferences to seconds1296000.0*

Cubic Centimeters (= Milliliters)
To Convert From:Multiply By:
cubic centimeters to cubic inches0.0610237
cubic centimeters to cubic feet0.00003532
cubic centimeters to cubic meters0.000001*
cubic centimeters to gallons0.0002642
cubic centimeters to liters0.001*
cubic centimeters to milliliters1.0*
cubic centimeters to ounces, fluid0.033814
cubic centimeters to pints0.0021134
cubic centimeters to quarts0.0010567

Cubic Feet
To Convert From:Multiply By:
cubic feet to cubic centimeters (milliliters)28316.846592
cubic feet to cubic inches1728.0*
cubic feet to cubic meters0.0283168
cubic feet to cubic yards0.037037
cubic feet to gallons7.4805195
cubic feet to liters28.3168466
cubic feet to ounces, fluid957.50649
cubic feet to pints59.844156
cubic feet to quarts29.922078
cubic feet, water, to pounds62.424215

Cubic Inches
To Convert From:Multiply By:
cubic inches to cubic centimeters (milliliters)16.387064
cubic inches to cubic feet0.0005787
cubic inches to cubic yards0.000021433
cubic inches to gallons0.004329
cubic inches to liters0.016387064
cubic inches to ounces, fluid0.5541126
cubic inches to pints0.034632
cubic inches to quarts0.017316
cubic inches, water, to pounds0.0361251

Cubic Meters
To Convert From:Multiply By:
cubic meters to cubic centimeters (milliliters)1000000.0*
cubic meters to cubic feet35.314667
cubic meters to cubic yards1.3079506
cubic meters to gallons264.17205
cubic meters to liters1000.0*
cubic meters, water, to kilograms (at 4°C under 1 atmosphere)1000.0*
cubic meters, water, to pounds2204.4903

Cubic Yards
To Convert From:Multiply By:
cubic yards to cubic feet27.0*
cubic yards to cubic inches46656.0*
cubic yards to cubic meters0.7645549
cubic yards to gallons201.97403
cubic yards to liters764.55486

To Convert From:Multiply By:
deciliters to centiliters10.0*
deciliters to liters0.1*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
degrees to circumferences0.0027778
degrees to grades1.1111111
degrees to minutes60.0*
degrees to quadrants0.0111111
degrees to radians0.0174533
degrees to seconds3600.0*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
fathoms to feet6.0*
fathoms to meters1.8288*
fathoms to yards2.0*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
feet to centimeters30.48*
feet to fathoms0.1666667
feet to furlongs0.0015152
feet to inches12.0*
feet to hands3.0*
feet to kilometers0.0003048
feet to meters0.3048*
feet to mils12000.0*
feet to yards0.3333333
feet per second to centimeters per second30.48*
feet per second to feet per minute60.0*
feet per second to kilometers per hour1.09728*
feet per second to knots0.5924838
feet per second to meters per second0.3048*
feet per second to miles per hour0.6818182
feet per second per second to centimeters per second per second30.48*
feet per second per second to g0.0310809
feet per second per second to meters per second per second0.3048*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
furlongs to feet660.0*
furlongs to meters201.168*
furlongs to miles0.125*
furlongs to yards220.0*

G (Gravity Constant)
To Convert From:Multiply By:
g to centimeters per second per second980.665*
g to feet per second per second32.174049
g to meters per second per second9.80665*

Gallons (U.S.)
To Convert From:Multiply By:
gallons to cubic centimeters (milliliters)3785.4118
gallons to cubic feet0.1336806
gallons to cubic inches231.0*
gallons to cubic meters0.0037854
gallons to cubic yards0.0049511
gallons to liters3.7854118
gallons to ounces, fluid128.0*
gallons to pints8.0*
gallons to quarts4.0*
gallons to imperial gallons0.8326742
gallons, acetone, to pounds6.6
gallons, castor oil, to pounds8.1
gallons, ethanol (ethyl alcohol), to pounds7.6
gallons, ether, to pounds6.2
gallons, gasoline, to pounds6.0
gallons, kerosene, to pounds6.6
gallons, hydrochloric acid, to pounds9.9
gallons, liquid propane, to pounds4.25
gallons, methanol (methyl alcohol), to pounds6.7
gallons, naptha, to pounds5.6
gallons, nitromethane, to pounds9.4
gallons, oil (crude), to pounds7.5
gallons, oil (refined), to pounds7.0
gallons, turpentine, to pounds7.3
gallons, water, to pounds8.3449037
gallons, water (sea), to pounds8.6
gallons, imperial, to liters4.54609*
gallons, imperial, to gallons, U.S.1.2009499
gallons, U.S., to gallons, imperial0.8326742
gallons per horsepower-hour to liters per kilowatt-hour0.0793181

Gons (= Grades)
To Convert From:Multiply By:
gons to grades1.0*

Grades (= Gons)
To Convert From:Multiply By:
grades to circumferences0.0025*
grades to degrees0.9*
grades to gons1.0*
grades to minutes54.0*
grades to radians0.015708
grades to quadrants0.01*
grades to seconds3240.0*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
grains to grams0.0647989
grains to milligrams64.798911
grains to ounces0.0022857

To Convert From:Multiply By:
grams to grains15.432358
grams to kilograms0.001*
grams to milligrams1000.0*
grams to ounces0.035274
grams to pounds0.0022046
grams per centimeter to kilograms per meter10.0*
grams per cubic centimeter to pounds per cubic foot62.42796
grams per cubic centimeter to pounds per cubic inch0.0361273
grams per cubic centimeter to pounds per gallon8.3454044
grams per cubic centimeter to kilograms per cubic meter1000.0*
grams per kilowatt-hour to pounds per horsepower-hour0.001644

To Convert From:Multiply By:
hands to centimeters10.16*
hands to feet0.3333333
hands to inches4.0*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
hectares to square miles0.0038610
hectares to square yards11959.9004630
hectares to square feet107639.1041673
hectares to square kilometers0.01*
hectares to square meters10000.0*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
horsepower to pounds-feet per minute33000.0*
horsepower to pounds-feet per second550.0*
horsepower, metric, to horsepower, SAE0.9863201
horsepower, metric, to kilogram-meters per second75.0*
horsepower, metric, to kilowatts0.7354988
horsepower, SAE, to horsepower, metric1.0138697
horsepower, SAE, to kilowatts0.7456999
horsepower-hours to BTUs2544.4336
horsepower-hours to calories641186.48
horsepower-hours to kilojoules2684.52*
horsepower-hours to kilowatt-hours0.7456999
horsepower-hours to megajoules2.68452*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
inches to centimeters2.54*
inches to feet0.0833333
inches to hands0.25*
inches to meters0.0254*
inches to microns25400.0*
inches to millimeters25.4*
inches to mils1000.0*
inches to yards0.0277778
inches of mercury to atmospheres0.0334211
inches of mercury to bars0.0338639
inches of mercury to inches of water13.595915
inches of mercury to kilograms per square centimeter0.0345316
inches of mercury to kilopascals3.3863886
inches of mercury to millibars33.863886
inches of mercury to pounds per square foot70.726197
inches of mercury to pounds per square inch0.4911541
inches of water to atmospheres0.0024582
inches of water to bars0.0024907
inches of water to inches of mercury0.0735515
inches of water to kilograms per square centimeter0.0025398
inches of water to kilograms per square meter25.398476
inches of water to kilopascals0.249074
inches of water to millibars2.4907397
inches of water to pounds per square foot5.2020179
inches of water to pounds per square inch0.0361251

Joules (= Newton-Meters)
To Convert From:Multiply By:
joules to BTUs0.0009478
joules to calories0.2388459
joules to kilogram-meters0.1019716
joules to kilojoules0.001*
joules to megajoules0.000001*
joules to newton-meters1.0*
joules to ounces-inches141.61193
joules to pounds-feet0.7375622
joules to pounds-inches8.8507457
joules to watt-hours0.0002778
joules to watt-seconds1.0*
joules per gram to kilojoules per kilogram1.0*
joules per kilogram to BTUs per second0.0004299

To Convert From:Multiply By:
kilograms to grams1000.0*
kilograms to newtons9.80665*
kilograms to pounds2.2046224
kilograms to tons, long0.0009842
kilograms to tons, short0.0011023
kilograms, water, to liters (at 4°C under 1 atmosphere)1.0*
kilograms per cubic meter to grams per cubic centimeter0.001*
kilograms per cubic meter to pounds per cubic foot0.062428
kilograms per cubic meter to pounds per gallon0.0083454
kilograms per kilowatt-hour to pounds per horsepower-hour1.6439879
kilograms per liter to pounds per gallon8.3454064
kilograms per meter to grams per centimeter0.1*
kilograms per meter to pounds per foot0.671969
kilograms per meter to pounds per inch0.0559974
kilograms per square centimeter to atmospheres0.9678411
kilograms per square centimeter to bars0.980665*
kilograms per square centimeter to inches of mercury28.959021
kilograms per square centimeter to inches of water393.7244
kilograms per square centimeter to kilograms per square meter10000.0*
kilograms per square centimeter to kilopascals98.0665*
kilograms per square centimeter to millibars980.665*
kilograms per square centimeter to pounds per square foot2048.1614
kilograms per square centimeter to pounds per square inch14.223343
kilograms per square meter to kilograms per square centimeter0.0001*
kilograms per square meter to pounds per square foot0.2048161
kilogram-meters to BTUs0.0092949
kilogram-meters to calories2.3422781
kilogram-meters to joules9.80665*
kilogram-meters to pounds-feet7.2330139
kilogram-meters to watt-hours0.0027241

To Convert From:Multiply By:
kilojoules to BTUs0.9478171
kilojoules to horsepower-hours0.0003725
kilojoules to joules1000.0*
kilojoules to kilowatt-hours0.0002778
kilojoules to megajoules0.001*
kilojoules per kilogram to BTUs per pound0.4299226
kilojoules per kilogram to joules per gram1.0*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
kilometers to meters1000.0*
kilometers to miles, nautical0.5399568
kilometers to miles, statute0.6213712
kilometers per hour to centimeters per second27.777778
kilometers per per hour to knots0.5399568
kilometers per hour to meters per second0.2777778
kilometers per hour to miles per hour0.6213712
kilometers per liter to miles per gallon, imperial2.8248094
kilometers per liter to miles per gallon, U.S.2.3521459

To Convert From:Multiply By:
kilopascals to atmospheres0.0098692
kilopascals to bars0.01*
kilopascals to inches of mercury0.2952998
kilopascals to inches of water4.0148716
kilopascals to kilograms per square centimeter0.0101972
kilopascals to millibars10.0*
kilopascals to pascals0.001*
kilopascals to pounds per square foot20.885434
kilopascals to pounds per square inch0.1450377

To Convert From:Multiply By:
kilowatts to BTUs per minute56.869027
kilowatts to horsepower, metric1.3596216
kilowatts to horsepower, SAE1.3410221
kilowatts to newton-meters per second1000.0*
kilowatt-hours to BTUs3412.1416
kilowatt-hours to horsepower-hours1.3410221
kilowatt-hours to joules3600000.0*
kilowatt-hours to kilojoules3600.0*
kilowatt-hours to megajoules3.6*
kilowatt-hours to watt-hours1000.0*

Kitchen Measure Equivalents
Metric Fluid Volume (U.S.)

1/4 Cups
(1/2 Gills)
1/2 Cups
1 Fluid
1 Tea-
1 1/311/31/161/121/241/481/961/1921/7685.005
1 Table-
1 Fluid
1/4 Cup
(1/2 Gill)
1/2 Cup
(1 Gill)
1 Fluid
1 Fluid
1 Milli-
Metric Fluid Volume (British)|Metric Mass Weight (U.S.)|Liquid Measure Volume|Dry Measure Volume

Metric Fluid Volume (British)

1/4 Cups
(1/2 Gills)
1/2 Cups
1 Fluid
1 Fluid
1/4 Cup
(1/2 Gill)
1/2 Cup
(1 Gill)
1 Fluid
1 Fluid
1 Milli-
Metric Fluid Volume (U.S.)|Metric Mass Weight (U.S.)|Liquid Measure Volume|Dry Measure Volume

Metric Mass Weight (U.S.)

1 Grain1.004.0021/700064.7.064.0006
1 Dram27.3411/161/25617701.77.0017
1 Ounce437.51611/16283528.35.02835
1 Pound7000256161453592453.6.45359
1 Milligram.015.00061/290001/4535921.001.000001
1 Gram15.43.565.032.00210001.001
1 Kilogram15430564.97.0000322.2100000010001
Metric Fluid Volume (U.S.)|Metric Fluid Volume (British)|Liquid Measure Volume|Dry Measure Volume

Liquid Measure Volume

A few grains = less than 1/8 teaspoon1/4 cup = 4 tablespoons
20 drops 1 milliliter 1/5 teaspoon3/8 cup = 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons
1 teaspoon = 1/3 tablespoon5/8 cup = 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons7/8 cup = 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons
2 tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce1 cup = 1/2 pint = 8 fluid ounces
4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup = 2 ounces2 cups = 1 pint = 16 fluid ounces
5 1/3 tablespoons = 1/3 cup = 2 2/3 ounces1 gill, liquid = 1/2 cup = 4 fluid ounces
8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup = 1 gill = 1 teacup = 4 ounces1 pint, liquid = 4 gills = 16 fluid ounces
12 tablespoons = 3/4 cup = 6 ounces1 quart, liquid = 2 pints = 4 cups
16 tablespoons = 1 cup = 8 ounces = 2 gills1 gallon, liquid = 4 quarts
Metric Fluid Volume (U.S.)|Metric Fluid Volume (British)|Metric Mass Weight (U.S.)|Dry Measure Volume

Dry Measure Volume

Dry PintsDry QuartsPecksBushelsLiters
1 Dry Pint11/21/161/64.55
1 Dry Quart211/81/321.1
1 Peck16811/48.8
1 Bushel64324135.23
1 Liter1.
Metric Fluid Volume (U.S.)|Metric Fluid Volume (British)|Metric Mass Weight|Liquid Measure Volume

To Convert From:Multiply By:
knots to feet per minute101.26859
knots to feet per second1.6878099
knots to kilometers per hour1.852*
knots to miles per hour1.1507794

To Convert From:Multiply By:
liters to centiliters100.0*
liters to cubic centimeters (milliliters)1000.0*
liters to cubic feet0.0353147
liters to cubic inches61.023744
liters to cubic yards0.0013079
liters to deciliters10.0*
liters to gallons, imperial0.2199692
liters to gallons, U.S.0.2641721
liters to milliliters (cubic centimeters)1000.0*
liters to ounces, fluid33.8140226
liters to pints2.1133764
liters to quarts1.0566882
liters, water, to kilograms (at 4°C under 1 atmosphere)1.0*
liters, water, to pounds2.2044903
liters per kilowatt-hour to gallons per horsepower-hour12.607459
liters per kilowatt-hour to quarts per horsepower-hour3.1518648
liters per kilowatt-hour to pints per horsepower-hour1.5759324

To Convert From:Multiply By:
megajoules to joules1000000.0*
megajoules to kilojoules1000.0*
megajoules to kilowatt-hours0.2777778
megajoules to horsepower-hours0.3725061
megajoules per kilogram to BTUs per pound429.92261

To Convert From:Multiply By:
meters to fathoms0.5468067
meters to feet3.2808399
meters to furlongs0.004971
meters to inches39.3700787
meters to kilometers0.001*
meters to mils39370.0787402
meters to yards1.0936133
meters per second to kilometers per hour3.6*
meters per second to feet per second3.2808399
meters per second per second to centimeters per second per second100.0*
meters per second per second to feet per second per second3.2808399
meters per second per second to g0.1019716

To Convert From:Multiply By:
microinches to micrometers0.0254*

Micrometers (= Microns)
To Convert From:Multiply By:
micrometers to microinches39.370079
micrometers to microns1.0*

Microns (= Micrometers)
To Convert From:Multiply By:
microns to micrometers1.0*
microns to millimeters0.001*
microns to centimeters0.0001*
microns to meters0.000001*
microns to microinches39.370079
microns to mils0.0393701
microns to inches0.0000394

To Convert From:Multiply By:
miles, statute, to feet5280.0*
miles, statute, to furlongs8.0*
miles, statute, to kilometers1.609344*
miles, statute, to miles, nautical0.8689762
miles, statute, to yards1760.0*
miles, nautical, to feet6076.11549
miles, nautical, to kilometers1.852*
miles, nautical, to miles, statute1.1507794
miles, nautical, to yards2025.3718
miles per gallon, imperial, to kilometers per liter0.3540062
miles per gallon, imperial, to miles per gallon, U.S.0.8326742
miles per gallon, U.S., to kilometers per liter0.4251437
miles per gallon, U.S., to miles per gallon, imperial1.2009499
miles per hour to centimeters per second44.704*
miles per hour to feet per minute88.0*
miles per hour to feet per second1.4666667
miles per hour to kilometers per hour1.609344*
miles per hour to knots0.8689762

To Convert From:Multiply By:
millibars to atmospheres0.0009869
millibars to bars0.001*
millibars to inches of mercury0.02953
millibars to inches of water0.4014872
millibars to kilograms per square centimeter0.0010197
millibars to kilopascals0.1*
millibars to millimeters of mercury0.7500617
millibars to pascals100.0*
millibars to pounds per square foot2.0885434
millibars to pounds per square inch0.0145038

To Convert From:Multiply By:
milligrams to grains0.0154324
milligrams to grams0.001*
milligrams to ounces0.0000353

Milliliters (= Cubic Centimeters)
To Convert From:Multiply By:
milliliters to cubic centimeters1.0*
milliliters to liters0.001*
milliliters to microliters1000.0*
milliliters to ounces, fluid0.033814

To Convert From:Multiply By:
millimeters to centimeters0.1*
millimeters to inches0.0393701
millimeters to meters0.001*
millimeters to microns1000.0*
millimeters to mils39.370079

To Convert From:Multiply By:
mils to centimeters0.00254*
mils to feet0.0000833
mils to inches0.001*
mils to meters0.0000254*
mils to microns25.4*
mils to millimeters0.0254*
mils to yards0.0002778

To Convert From:Multiply By:
minutes to degrees0.0166667
minutes to grades0.0185185
minutes to radians0.0002909
minutes to quadrants0.0001852
minutes to seconds60.0*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
newtons to kilograms0.1019716
newtons to ounces3.5969431
newtons to pounds0.2248089
newtons per meter to newtons per millimeter0.001*
newtons per meter to pounds per foot0.0685218
newtons per millimeter to newtons per meter1000.0*
newtons per millimeter to pounds per foot68.52178
newtons per millimeter to pounds per inch5.7101471
newtons per square meter to pascals1.0*
newton-meters to joules1.0*
newton-meters to pounds-feet0.7375622

To Convert From:Multiply By:
ounces to grains437.5*
ounces to grams28.35*
ounces to kilograms0.0283495
ounces to milligrams28349.523
ounces to newtons0.2780139
ounces to pounds0.0625*
ounces, fluid, to cubic feet0.0010444
ounces, fluid, to cubic inches1.8046875
ounces, fluid, to gallons0.0078125*
ounces, fluid, to milliliters29.573529
ounces, fluid, to pints0.0625*
ounces, fluid, to quarts0.03125*
ounces-inches to joules or newton-meters0.0070616
ounces-inches to pounds-feet0.0052083
ounces-inches to pounds-inches0.0625*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
pascals to bars0.00001*
pascals to inches of mercury0.0002953
pascals to inches of water0.0040149
pascals to kilograms per square centimeter0.0000102
pascals to kilopascals1000.0*
pascals to millibars0.01*
pascals to newtons per square meter1.0*
pascals to pounds per square foot0.0208854

To Convert From:Multiply By:
pints to cubic centimeters (milliliters)473.17647
pints to cubic feet0.0167101
pints to cubic inches28.875
pints to gallons0.125*
pints to liters0.4731765
pints to ounces, fluid16.0*
pints to quarts0.5*
pints per horsepower-hour to liters per kilowatt-hour0.634545*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
pounds to grains7000.0*
pounds to grams453.6
pounds to kilograms0.4535924
pounds to newtons4.4482217
pounds to ounces16.0*
pounds to tons, metric (tonnes)0.0004536
pounds, water, to cubic feet0.0160194
pounds, water, to cubic inches27.681566
pounds, water, to cubic meters0.0004536
pounds, water, to gallons0.1198336
pounds, water, to liters0.4536196
pounds per cubic foot to grams per cubic centimeter0.0160185
pounds per cubic foot to pounds per cubic inch0.0005787
pounds per cubic foot to kilograms per cubic meter16.018464
pounds per cubic foot to pounds per gallon0.1336806
pounds per cubic inch to grams per cubic centimeter27.679905
pounds per cubic inch to pounds per cubic foot1728.0*
pounds per cubic inch to kilograms per cubic meter27679.905
pounds per cubic inch to pounds per gallon231.0*
pounds per foot to kilograms per meter1.488164
pounds per foot to newtons per meter14.5939
pounds per foot to newtons per millimeter0.0145939
pounds per foot to pounds per inch12.0*
pounds per gallon to grams per cubic centimeter0.1198264
pounds per gallon to pounds per cubic foot7.4805195
pounds per gallon to kilograms per cubic meter119.82643
pounds per gallon to kilograms per liter0.1198264
pounds per gallon to pounds per cubic inch0.004329
pounds per horsepower-hour to grams per kilowatt-hour608.2774
pounds per horsepower-hour to grams per megajoule168.9659
pounds per horsepower-hour to kilograms per kilowatt-hour0.6082774
pounds per inch to kilograms per meter17.857968
pounds per inch to newtons per millimeter0.1751268
pounds per inch to ounces per inch16.0*
pounds per inch to pounds per foot0.0833333
pounds per square foot to atmospheres0.0004725
pounds per square foot to bars0.0004788
pounds per square foot to inches of mercury0.014139
pounds per square foot to inches of water0.1922331
pounds per square foot to kilograms per square centimeter0.0004882
pounds per square foot to kilograms per square meter4.8824277
pounds per square foot to kilopascals0.0478803
pounds per square foot to millibars0.4788026
pounds per square foot to pascals47.880259
pounds per square foot to pounds per square inch0.006944
pounds per square inch to atmospheres0.068046
pounds per square inch to bars0.0689476
pounds per square inch to inches of mercury2.0360207
pounds per square inch to inches of water27.681566
pounds per square inch to pounds per square foot144.0*
pounds per square inch to kilograms per square centimeter0.070307
pounds per square inch to kilopascals6.8947574
pounds per square inch to millibars68.947574
pounds-feet to BTUs0.0012851
pounds-feet to calories0.3238316
pounds-feet to joules or newton-meters1.3558179
pounds-feet to kilogram-meters0.138255
pounds-feet to ounces-inches192.0*
pounds-feet to pounds-inches12.0*
pounds-feet to watt-hours0.0003766
pounds-feet per minute to horsepower0.0000303
pounds-inches to joules or newton-meters0.1129848
pounds-inches to ounces-inches16.0*
pounds-inches to pounds-feet0.0833333

To Convert From:Multiply By:
quadrants to circumferences4.0*
quadrants to degrees90.0*
quadrants to grades100.0*
quadrants to minutes5400.0*
quadrants to radians1.5707963
quadrants to seconds324000.0*

To Convert From:Multiply By:
quarts to cubic centimeters (milliliters)946.35295
quarts to cubic feet0.0334201
quarts to cubic inches57.75
quarts to gallons0.25*
quarts to liters0.9463529
quarts to ounces, fluid32.0*
quarts to pints2.0*
quarts per horsepower-hour to liters per kilowatt-hour0.3172725

To Convert From:Multiply By:
radians to circumferences0.0159154
radians to degrees57.295779
radians to grades63.661978
radians to minutes3437.7468
radians to seconds206264.81

To Convert From:Multiply By:
seconds to degrees0.0002778
seconds to grades0.0003086
seconds to minutes0.0166667
seconds to radians0.0000049

Square Centimeters
To Convert From:Multiply By:
square centimeters to square feet0.0010764
square centimeters to square inches0.1550003
square centimeters to square yards0.0001196

Square Feet
To Convert From:Multiply By:
square feet to square centimeters929.0304
square feet to square inches144.0*
square feet to square meters0.0929030
square feet to square yards0.1111111
square feet to acres0.00002296
square feet to hectares0.0000093

Square Inches
To Convert From:Multiply By:
square inches to square centimeters6.4516*
square inches to square feet0.0069444
square inches to square meters0.0006452
square inches to square millimeters645.16*
square inches to square yards0.0007716

Square Meters
To Convert From:Multiply By:
square meters to square feet10.76391
square meters to square inches1550.0031
square meters to square yards1.19599
square meters to acres0.0002471
square meters to hectares0.0001

Square Yards
To Convert From:Multiply By:
square yards to square feet9.0*
square yards to square inches1296.0*
square yards to square meters0.8361274
square yards to acres0.0002066
square yards to hectares0.0000836

  Fahrenheit:   Celsius (Centigrade):  
  °Fahrenheit = (°Celsius × 9/5) + 32°
°Fahrenheit = (°Kelvin × 9/5) - 459.67°
°Fahrenheit = °Rankine - 459.67°
°Fahrenheit = (°Réaumur × 9/4) + 32°
  °Celsius = (°Fahrenheit - 32°) × 5/9
°Celsius = °Kelvin - 273.15°
°Celsius = (°Rankine × 5/9) - 273.15°
°Celsius = °Réaumur × 5/4
  Kelvin:   Rankine:  
  °Kelvin = (°Fahrenheit + 459.67°) × 5/9
°Kelvin = °Celsius + 273.15°
°Kelvin = °Rankine × 5/9
°Kelvin = (°Réaumur × 5/4) + 273.15°
  °Rankine = °Fahrenheit + 459.67°
°Rankine = (°Celsius + 273.15°) × 9/5
°Rankine = °Kelvin × 9/5
°Rankine = (°Réaumur × 9/4) + 491.67°
°Réaumur = (°Fahrenheit - 32°) × 4/9
°Réaumur = °Celsius × 4/5
°Réaumur = (°Kelvin - 273.15°) × 4/5
°Réaumur = (°Rankine - 491.67°) × 4/9

To Convert From:Multiply By:
tons, long, to kilograms1016.0469
tons, long, to pounds2240.0*
tons, long, to tons, short1.12*
tons, metric (tonnes), to kilograms1000.0*
tons, metric (tonnes), to pounds2204.6226
tons, metric (tonnes), to tons, short1.1023113
tons, short, to kilograms907.18475
tons, short, to pounds2000.0*
tons, short, to tons, long0.8928571
tons, short, to tons, metric (tonnes)0.9071847

To Convert From:Multiply By:
watt-hours to BTUs3.4121416
watt-hours to calories859.84523
watt-hours to joules3600.0*
watt-hours to kilogram-meters367.09784
watt-hours to kilowatt-hours0.001*
watt-hours to pounds-feet2655.2237

To Convert From:Multiply By:
yards to centimeters91.44*
yards to fathoms0.5*
yards to feet3.0*
yards to furlongs0.0045455
yards to inches36.0*
yards to meters0.9144*
yards to mils36000.0*

* indicates exact conversion

If you find an error on this page, email me to let me know about it.

On occasion, I may help someone solve a particular problem.  But I expect that the person first will perform a thorough search on the web to attempt to find a solution.  I do not have the time to search the web to help other people with their calculations.

If no solution can be found, it is possible that I may be able to help, but only if logical questions are asked and if any helpful information obtained while searching the web is provided.  Also, it cannot be assumed that I will understand the abbreviations of all units.  For example, “cf” means “cubic feet” and “psi” means “pounds per square inch”; but do not assume that I know this.  Everything must be spelled out clearly, with no typos, for me to consider attempting to find an answer.

The following are illogical or invalid questions:

  1. How can I convert from square feet to cubic yards?  No conversion is possible, since square feet are a 2-dimensional measurement of area, while cubic yards are a 3-dimensional measurement of volume.  Conversions are possible only between similar inter-dimensional measurements.  (If the area of a certain number of square feet has a depth of 2 inches, for instance, then the conversion can be made, because now the unit of measurement has become cubic feet rather than square feet.  Then it is easy to convert from cubic feet to cubic yards.)
  2. What is the conversion from square feet to gallons?  No conversion is possible, since square feet are a 2-dimensional measurement of area, while gallons are a 3-dimensional measurement of volume.  Conversions are possible only between similar inter-dimensional measurements.
  3. How much does a cubic yard weigh?  No conversion is possible, since the substance to be weighed has not been provided.  For instance, a cubic yard of water would weigh a whole lot more than a cubic yard of foam rubber.
  4. How much does a cubic yard of sand or dirt weigh?  No conversion is possible, since not enough information about the sand and dirt has been provided, such as whether it is dry or wet, whether or not it is mixed with something else such as gravel or rocks, etc.  Even if the latter things are known, I have not been provided with the overall density of the sand or dirt, so I still cannot make a proper conversion.

Visit Ted’s Remarks, or Email to provide me
with any comments that you have about my website,
including any error(s) that you might find on this page.

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