Email #1

Hi Dr. Montgomery,

I read this page and I had to comment on it.  I, too, have had seen someone's eyes turn completely black.  Actually in a few different people.  The first time I was at a martial arts workshop.  One of the senseis was standing in front facing our group.  A different sensei leaned over to him and said something.  The first sensei then reacted to what he said.  His face became flushed and his pupils dilated so big you could only see the black in his eyes and he was staring right at me.  I didn't freak then but after the workshop it creeped me out.  Actually it scared the crap out of me.

Another time I was working on a temporary assignment at a company.  I was sitting next to a man who was pretty much a total stranger to me.  I had only been on the job a few days.  I said something casually to him and he turned at me and said something to me really off the wall pertaining to my spiritual self.  But as he was saying it, his pupils dilated just like the other person.  You couldn't see any white in his eyes.  It seemed to me as if something else took over his body (or mind) and was speaking to me, and not actually him speaking.

Because these two incidents happened within a couple of months of each other, I really started wondering if some demon was following me.

As I said, these aren't the only people I have seen this happen to.  It was all within a few months time and about 3 other people who I have seen their eyes suddenly turn black.

Or maybe it was like you said, some demons holding themselves in.  I know I saw what I saw and I wasn't just seeing things.  I wondered what was going on in their minds to cause their pupils to dilate as fast as they did.  Rage?  Fear?  Maybe it was a demon.

I've only told a few people this, because for a long time I just wanted to forget about it.  When I came across this link, though, I felt relieved that I'm not the only one who has seen this happen in a person.


My Response #1

In a message dated 6/15/2010 9:04:54 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, *****@*****.*** writes:

<< I read this page and I had to comment on it.  I, too, have had seen someone's eyes turn completely black.  Actually in a few different people. >>

Those cases are interesting, Jane.  Actually, the pupil of the eye cannot dilate large enough to cause the whites of the eyes to turn black.  If the white parts of the eyes become black or are perceived to become black suddenly, without the use of black scleral contact lenses, then I do not know of any natural cause for that.  I would have to suspect a supernatural cause.

<< Because these two incidents happened within a couple of months of each other, I really started wondering if some demon was following me. >>

I don't know, but I think it would be more likely that if demonic forces are involved, the people whose eyes became black were possessed or controlled by demons themselves.  It makes me think that maybe you have been given a gift of the Holy Spirit called "distinguishing among spirits."  To read a brief description of this, go to my gifts of the Holy Spirit section here, scroll down a bit, and read item #9:

I think it is possible that if you have that capability, you might be able to see the eyes of certain demonically possessed or controlled people becoming black, while other people around you would not.  (This does not necessarily imply that other people with the ability to distinguish among spirits can perceive the same things that you can.)  Maybe these demons can sense this capacity within you, and that is why they glare at you or say weird things to you.  Other than that, I don't know what to think.

In any case, if I were you, I would not let it scare me.  If God gave you this gift, then I would assume that He has a reason for you to be able to perceive such things and also that He will protect you from being harmed by the demonic realm that you seem to be able to recognize but most others cannot.


Email #2

Thank you for responding Ted.  I'm going to check out your link as soon as I'm done typing this.  This happened a few years ago, and I was always afraid to talk to someone about it.  I never had any psychological issues in the past and I know what I saw.

Also, do you have a biography link I can read?  I would really like to chat about this with you in greater depth about this because there is more to it.  Obviously, that is if you have the time and desire.

Thank you, again for responding to my email.


My Response #2

In a message dated 6/16/2010 1:03:04 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, *****@*****.*** writes:

<< This happened a few years ago, and I was always afraid to talk to someone about it.  I never had any psychological issues in the past and I know what I saw. >>

I don't question that you know you saw something unusual.  But the way you described it, for the first two people, their pupils dilated so big that you "could only see the black in his eyes" or you "couldn't see any white in his eyes."  Again, it is physiologically impossible for the pupils of the eyes to dilate large enough for the whites of the eyes to turn black.  It cannot happen.

That is the main thing that I question.  Now, if the pupils dilated large enough for the colored parts of the eyes (the irises) to turn black, that is one thing.  It is possible for this to be explained by extreme anger, anxiety, fear, or other emotion.

However, if the white parts of the eyes (the scleras) turned black as well, this would have absolutely nothing to do with the pupils becoming dilated, nor would I be able to explain that by any other natural, sudden change in the physiology of the eyes.  Only then would I consider a supernatural explanation.

<< do you have a biography link I can read? >>

Both of these pages are at my website and should provide you with more information than you want or need to know about me:

<< I would really like to chat about this with you in greater depth about this because there is more to it. Obviously, that is if you have the time and desire. >>

By "chat" if you mean by phone, that will be next to impossible, as I rarely ever use a phone for communication.  You can email me more details about your experiences if you wish.

However, I respond to numerous emails on a regular basis.  Typically, it takes me a few days to answer.  The responses to your emails have been relatively quick because I am leaving town soon and want to answer all of the emails that I can before I go.
