Ted’s Collection of Graphic Images

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This section contains hundreds of graphic images for your (free) use and enjoyment.  Below are links to various categories of graphic images, animations, icons, and backgrounds.  You have the (recommended) option of viewing pages of individual links to different images.  If you wish, you also can try opening an entire page of images in a category; however, some browsers may stall when pages containing too many images are opened, especially animated images.

Therefore, it is recommended that you initally go to pages in the first column below.  The horizontal-by-vertical (H Χ V) dimensions (WIDTH/HEIGHT) of each graphic image are listed after each link on a page.

If you want to try going to pages in the second column, enabling you to view many graphic images at once, remember that your browser may stall before downloading all of the images, and it is possible that you will have to restart your computer.  However, if you are successful in downloading an entire page of graphic images, then placing your arrow on an image will reveal 1) the name of the image and 2) the horizontal-by-vertical (H Χ V) dimensions (WIDTH/HEIGHT), in pixels, of the image.

Individual Links
  Entire Pages
(browser may stall)
• Animations A-E: Links • Animations A-E
• Animations F-R: Links • Animations F-R
• Animations S-Z: Links • Animations S-Z
Note:  Most animated images will remain active indefinitely.  Some, however, will stop after a few (even as much as 20) minutes.  The only way to know how long an image will remain animated is to leave it on your browser for awhile.  If it still is active after 20 minutes, it most likely will remain that way indefinitely.

• Arrows: Links • Arrows
• Balls: Links • Balls
• Backgrounds: Links • Backgrounds
• Buttons: Links • Buttons
• Email: Links • Email
• Flashers: Links • Flashers
• Native American: Links • Native American
• Lines: Links • Lines
• Pastels: Links • Pastels

• Miscellaneous A-E: Links • Miscellaneous A-E
• Miscellaneous F-R: Links • Miscellaneous F-R
• Miscellaneous S-Z: Links • Miscellaneous S-Z

• Signs: Links • Signs
• Squares: Links • Squares
• USA Flags: Links • USA Flags

You may want to write down the horizontal and vertical dimensions of any images you take, so you can include them in the <IMG> tags for your web page.  Feel free to take any images that you like (if your browser allows you to do so).  If you have your own web site, you can create a link to my page if you wish.

To retrieve an image (using a PC):

  1. Place the tip of your arrow directly on an image.
  2. Click your right mouse button, which should cause a window to pop up with a series of choices.
  3. Place your arrow on “Save Picture as...” (or comparable choice), and click your left mouse button.
  4. Browse through your directory list and click (or double-click) on the directory or subdirectory where you would like the image to go.
  5. Select Save.

If you are going to take more than just a few images, it probably is a good idea to create a directory on your C: drive just for graphic images.  This directory could be named “GIFsJPGs” or “graphics” something similar.  You even could create subdirectories in this main directory to place categories of images.  Once you download an image, you can keep the name of the image the same or else change the name of it to whatever you want.

If you would like to view, on your browser, any graphic image you have saved, find the graphic file in your GIFsJPGs (or similar) directory with your File Manager or Windows Explorer and double-click on it.  This should activate your browser to retrieve and display it.

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Copyright © 1998– by Ted M. Montgomery.  All rights reserved.